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Use of Logo and Trademarks by Members

Members may use the logos and graphics found on this page to indicate their status as members and by such use, agree to the Terms of Use on this page.  Such trademarks may be directly copied or downloaded from this page and used on members' website pages, letterhead, business cards, advertising (except television - see below) and in any other manner which is permitted by the Vermont Rules of Professional Conduct.


All such use is limited by the Terms of Use set forth below


Vermont Trial Lawyers Association™, Vermont Trial Lawyers Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation, and VTLA and the logo and graphics which appear on this page are trademarks owned by Vermont Trial Lawyers Association™, Inc.  Members may use such logos, graphics designs and trademarks (hereinafter referred to as Trademarks) to indicate their membership in the Vermont Trial Lawyers Association, Inc. (hereinafter VTLA) only upon the following terms:

  • Use of such trademarks is restricted solely to current members of the VTLA.

  • Such trademarks may not be used in any manner which indicates or implies that the user is acting on behalf of the VTLA.

  • Only members of the VTLA may use any such trademark in any manner which states or implies membership in such group.

  • Such trademarks may not be used in any manner which indicates or implies that the VTLA endorses any product, firm or attorney.

  • Such trademarks may be used on letterhead, email, website, yellow page ads and other advertising and professional communications in any manner consistent with these terms of use to indicate that an attorney is a member of the VTLA.

  • Permission to use such trademarks in any manner and the terms of such use are subject to change or revocation at any time by the VTLA upon reasonable notice to members.  Use must be consistent with reasonable standards of a professional organization.

  • Members may not use any such trademarks in any manner in television advertising without specific written permission of the VTLA.  Permission for any such use, and the terms thereof, is solely within the discretion of the VTLA Board of Trustees.

  • The logo may be scanned or copied from this page, other VTLA materials or recreated.  The member may not alter the essential appearance or content of the logo.  However it may be graphically altered or redrawn to change size, or to add graphic effects such as shading or shadow in a manner consistent with a professional organization.


Subject to these terms, an individual who is a VTLA member may use such trademarks to identify himself or herself as a member of the VTLA.  VTLA does not provide artwork or graphics to members for such purposes, other than as stated on this page.


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